Helena Sergeys
Helena Sergeys
Le 06/02/2024 à 16:32
Immunity boosting drink

Immunity boosting drink

As most of you know, vitamin C is an important vitamin for your immunity. But did you know that there are different forms of vitamin C, and not all of them are the best.

The standard vitamin C supplements found in most stores is ascorbic acid. Which can be harsh on the stomach and can irritate. This is not ideal, especially if you already have a sensitive digestive system. Micro-C on the other hand, is very easy on the digestive system. This vitamin C supplement also contains rose hips. The vitamin C found in rose hips has the power to transform and activate other forms of vitamin C found in the supplement, as well as what's found in your food. Making all of them stronger. 

It's also the most bio identical form. Easily usable for our bodies. I take micro-C regularly. Making it into a drink called the vitamin C skin potion (medical medium). Because guess what, vitamin C also helps you to have glowing skin. 


  • Micro-C
  • Fresh squeezed orange juice
  • MSM supplement
  • Water
  • Maple syrup

À propos de l'auteur

Whole foods plant based nutritionist


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