Helena Sergeys
Helena Sergeys
Le 06/02/2024 à 16:55
Foods to avoid

Foods to avoid

Foods or ingredients to avoid when trying to heal. These ingredients can seriously hinder your bodies ability to heal. 

No citric acid. Why, you're probably wondering. Citric acid is added to a lot of food, like pasta sauce, other sauces, meat replacements, some conserved vegetables or beans etc. It's very irritating to the lining of the stomach as well as the intestines. It can create a lot of inflammation and discomfort. It's not easy to avoid at all times, however try to avoid it as much as possible. 

No added oils or other fats. Almost all people have a toxic overburdened liver. Your liver wants to heal and regenerate, but when you consume fat, your liver has to work hard and doesn't have any time to heal or clean up. When you eat a 100% fat free, you give the liver the breathing room to work on itself and heal. Eating fat free until lunch time is already wonderful!

No gluten. Gluten itself is not a bad food. The problem is the viruses and bacteria in your body who love to feed on gluten. It keeps them strong and therefore keeps you sick. So when you're trying to heal or just do good for you body and immune system, it's a wonderful choice to take out gluten. Stop feeding those bad viruses and bacteria that are making you sick. 

À propos de l'auteur

Whole foods plant based nutritionist


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