Helena Sergeys
Helena Sergeys
Le 06/02/2024 à 17:06


Everyone who knows me, knows i absolutely love smoothies! And all year round too. They are nourishing, hydrating, nutritious, full of vitamins and antioxidants,…

It's a simple and easy way to pack in lots of nutrients in 1 drink. And you have endless options of different kinds of smoothies you can make. 

I will say something controversial. I do not recommend adding any protein powder or fat like peanut butter in your smoothies. Protein is so heavy on the digestion. Especially protein powders. Also, we as humans don't really need that much protein. They protein we get from legumes, vegetables, leafy greens is more than enough. it's not ideal to start your day with protein either. The best thing you can do for you body and brain, is give it lots of carbohydrates (glucose) to start the day. 

And the fat, it makes the absorption of the much needed glucose from the fruit more difficult. Every cell in your body, and also every brain cell, runs on glucose. It is essential to survive and ideal to start your day with lots of healthy necessary sugars. 

So enjoy those fruity, carb heavy breakfasts. Let your body rejoice with all the delicious glucose it's getting. 


À propos de l'auteur

Whole foods plant based nutritionist


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